Teaching feeling 2.2.1 (compatibility update + fixes) android port

game description/website

mod By translator kun

To go further than the start you need to do this:

Start the game
click on the cogwheel on the bottem right
press settings
and select text speed 10

Changes since the last blogpost:

i had originally ported it with the intent of using the build in android webview because the cordova project was discontinued (the webengine i used prev).

but that kinda backfired on newer phones it worked fine but on older phones it didn't
that's because android webview can only be updated by the manafacturers of the phone and not by installing a update via the playstore

this one uses cordova again so it should be a lot more stable.

if you encounter any bugs please let me know via my discord

as always happy patting <3

Mega download link


  1. Nice. I hope it works better. Thanks booom

    1. I totally agree with you @Jack Moeller. Nutaku is the best.

    2. Crush Crush. This is the game I mostly play at Nutaku.

    3. DAMN these games at Nutaku are so hot. Thanks Jack.

    4. Guys I just registered at Nutaku. Which game you can recommend to me and which one is your favorite?

    5. @Tommy Gamer I usually play Crush Crush, FAP CEO, Booty Calls, Attack on Moe H, Kamihime Project R and some other. To be honest all of the games are hot there. Try many. My favorite is Harem Heroes at Nutaku.

    6. Man all of the games at Nutaku are f**king great!!!

    7. I have never heard about Nutaku.

  2. Can't even install it
    Phone simply says "App not installed"
    Android 8.0 if that helps

    1. Hi! I'm on Android 8.1 and it didn't install when i opened the APK as well. Try to use ADB method, or you can follow my guide in the latest comment below.

  3. Critic hit you, ouch!July 13, 2018 at 5:55 PM

    Hey booom313, what the fuck? Only 1 android ports since July 04, 2018, GET A LIFE! STOP BEING A SASSY GUY IN DISCORD SERVER AND ACTING LIKE A GAY THAT LOVE ON SAME-SEX GENDER. The shame on you booom313.

    1. pretty sure booom is a girl lol
      besides, stop being a dick dude.
      booom has a life too ya know

    2. No, Booom is definitely a guy


  4. Booom you are going to slow

  5. *consensual head pats intensify*

  6. Can i just install it over the last build?

  7. its like the old one.. cant get past when i take the girl

    1. Same here wasted time downloading again

    2. i tried to copy a save game.. it loads but when i try to pat her molest her or talk to her till evening it always get stuck in black screen

    3. After you make the choice go to settings set text speed to 9 then 10

  8. booom can you do the job to port melody v0.0.3?

  9. There are people here that think the world owes them something lol..
    Booom's taking time out of his life to port these games completely free of charge.
    So stop complaining and give the guy/gal a break.
    He'll port when he's ready.
    Deal with it :)
    (FaP fap)

    1. Kind of funny you say give the guy or gal a break then call them a he in the next sentence and yes I know he is a guy

  10. Your moms so fat
    After sex I rolled over twice
    And I was still on the bish!

  11. Thank you soo much booom, can you do new release rogue like?... I love that game, but once again thanks for this... I really appreciate it...

  12. its broken theres no option to nurse her.. sad... always "tell her to rest" as default option.

  13. Booom i have the same problem again but this time at first installation it works and aftet i close and re open it, it stays at black screen and doesn't load anymore help

  14. Thanks for the hardwork, booom313. Totally appreciate it.

  15. Please bug fixed.we found bug.could u check first?

  16. Boom maap ini kenapa cuman bisa masuk sekali doang abis itu ga bisa masuk lagi,kata nya dah di fix bug nyata nya masih sama kaya kemarin 1gb ane terbuang sia sia tolong lah min di perbaiki lagi.terimaksih kalo permintaan ane di dengerin tetap semangat boom

    1. Perbarui/download aplikasi Android System WebView nya
      Gw berhasil pake cara itu

  17. Yeesh, this just simply wont start on 4.4.2 androids. a bit of a pisser.

    1. Tried on two different 4.4.2 devices, neither worked. It didnt give an install error, but it would be a white flash, with a endless black. For reference both devices could use 1.9.2 easily (if laggy).

    2. i have 5.1 android and the 1.9.2 runs but this update wont run.

  18. it doesn't work on 4.4.2 please fix it

  19. Thank booom pls port
    Other game like that

  20. Thanks for the new update I have played all ur games and can't wait to get more thanks again booom🙌🙌🙌

  21. Can u make an Android version of teaching feeling creepy love pls and thank u

  22. This version doesn't work with my galaxy note 2 ;(

  23. I have a note 3 4.4.2 i still can't install it

  24. Can you fix it again booom, the screen it completely balck when enter the game.

  25. Mine is just a blacn screen after i start the game even thoug im tapping nothing appears is there something wrong?

    1. If you restart the game it might work it did for me

  26. very many bugs booom.. pelase fix it

  27. Hey, love what you're doing here I legit didn't know something this amazing existed and I'm really grateful :D

    I have had this problem since the first build, where you go "to bed" but you can't do anything, and once you click on something the UI blinks but nothing happens. Another small problem since this build is that some text like sensitivity is in Japanese now. But I really hope you can fix the first problem because I think it is stopping me from continuing the game.

    I was really amazed that animations were added with the newest version <3

    Have a great day and I look forward to your work booom :D

    1. Omg I'm so dumb you can just click and that will register the moves...

    2. How did u fix it? I have the same problem as you

  28. Any idea why the game size jumped from 230mb(version 2.1.1) to 1gb (current version?

    Anyway,thx for the effort booom!

  29. I tried to play it but all that showed up was a black screen restarting it is not working

  30. It wont install on my Galaxy S7 running Android 8.0 :(


    In every scene of the game you have to wait for it to load properly, for the first choice where you choose to take her you just have to wait for around 30 seconds before you pick the choice. This also goes for all the h-scenes as well.

  32. This won't install on my phone tried since release.

    Phone is Razer with Android 8.1

    1. Hi! I'm on Android 8.1 and it didn't install when i opened the APK as well. Try to use ADB method, or you can follow my guide in the latest comment below.

  33. Do anyone here knows how to transfer save files from the pc version of the game to booom313's ported version?

    This is because I have invested quite a bit of time on the pc version, which is also v 2.2.1 and I would like to continue my progress on my phone.

    I have located where my save files are on my pc, but I cannot seem to find where the game files are located on my phone, if somone here knows where to find or how to access the game files on android 7.0, please help me out. Thank you in advance

    1. Game data may be present on /data/data/, try to get Root Installer and find Teaching Feelings' stored data there.

      Or, refer to this post and explore each android root directory https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/47924/where-android-apps-store-data

      if you find the game's file directory, please reply. It can be a huge help to the community!

  34. Hello. Thank you for the great release.

    I am using Nokia 5 with Android 8.1, it didn't install when i opened the APK on my phone, BUT it did install when i used the adb installation method! it starts and plays perfectly (not really tested, will update later)

    If you're having trouble installing with APK in your phone, use ADB! Although it's complicated to actually do it for the first time.

    You can use my simple ADB interface program to do it easily, first

    1. Go to suroadb.jimdofree.com and download the Latest version.

    2. In the download page, there's a video for how to install and use ADB, please watch and follow the steps.

    3. After configuring ADB with the installation video, Start SuroADB and enter "install" to open the ADB APK install process.

    4. Rename the Teaching Feeling APK you downloaded from here to something that doesn't contain spaces. ex. teachingfeeling.apk

    5. After renaming, select the APK. It will automatically install for you. *MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH STORAGE SPACE IN INTERNAL MEMORY!*

    6. If you get a "Success" message, Congratulations! You can now fap to Sylvie!

    NOTE: This was all done in the first try. Feel free to reply and ask questions, i will reply ASAP.

    Nokia 5. Android 8.1

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Update: It does not start sometimes, and it freezes after the Doctor and the man intro at the beginning. Disappointing.

  35. Buat kalian yang mengalami black screen coba perbarui/download aplikasi android system webview.
    Itu bekerja di device saya

  36. i didnt know boom fix this. now it works perfectly than the previous ports

  37. Can't get past day 8, he talks about her having a fever then before it loads the next scene it tells me if I want to load save or title screen

  38. Can you put another download method? I cant download It from Mega.

  39. what's new in 2.2.1?

  40. She keeps dying even if I do everything right. it doesn't show the "Nurse her to health" option. Is that a bug? What do I do?

    1. Damn it, I forgot you had to buy her the dress in the alternative route. Dumb me hahaha

  41. hello, I'm new here in this website but i have a problem when i download it because everytime i open it the app stay white in 1 to 2 sec but then after it became all black screen!! can you plss help me in this problem??? coz this app was one of my best h-game

  42. Where is the save file location?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Link is not working anymore. Fix it please, thanks! ^_^

  45. How to put the translation? The text is still in Japanese.
    Can someone help pls...

  46. Hey uhh, the game works fine. I did chang the text speed and it runs ok, but seems like the language is not translated for some reason. Weirdly, all the interface indeed translated to english except for all of the characters dialog which is still in japanese. I'm running on android 10 of realme UI v1.0.

  47. It's still in Japanese, any fixes?


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