Dual Family 0.61 custom edition android port

game description/patreon

edit 1:

fixed the problems sorry about that

i should really stop porting games at 3 am in the morning XD



  1. I cant enter my name in game fix it please booom

  2. Cant get out of the menu after putting the picture together. And yes the name thing was a boss on its own to beat =p

  3. Screen in game to large please fix it booom

  4. How did you get past the name part?

    1. It will depend on your phone, but there might be away to pop out the keyboard alllowing you to move it around

    2. Am on note 8 and i did have push that button but i had to time it to hit the name area before the keyboard appeared again. Very annoying but i have had to do it for some other games.

  5. The screen is too zoomed in so all the options arent available to see

  6. Just confirming what others are saying, the persistent keyboard issue is irritating but can be handled with enough effort, but the zoom problem makes the game essentially impossible to play since you can't see the options and progress... I'm on an S8 Plus, if that information is relevant.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Well that game ends abruptly. At least for the father nothing happens in the game yet

  9. THANKS but i can't choose any option because the screen is to zoom

  10. I know I'm a random person on the internet and I don't know how easy this is to you but, I'd recommend you holding off on porting games that lack content.

  11. I wouldn't recommend downloading tis game guys. It randomly cuts to different events, and it ends rather suddenly. No hate on you Boom, you're just doing what you love!

  12. I cannot play as DAD i cannot continue that name giving part it would be nice if you can fix it :)


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